
In my last post, I mentioned my trip to the beach…What I didn’t mention was the fight I had with the ocean. After spending a good amount of time in the water, I was getting the hang of the waves. They were rough due to the storms and winds coming through earlier in the week. The water was far from calm, but it was still nice to swim in. But it got me. It knocked me down, as soon as it got the chance and I had a rough time getting up. Each time I went to step up, the next wave got me. I was still in the shallow end so I could sit but, as I mentioned before, the waves were rough. At the time it was fun but I sure did feel the soreness from the waves a day later.

I mention this only for a reason…

This week was rough at work…On Thursday night, I lay in bed thinking about how beat up I felt. It took me back to the ocean. Things kept knocking me down but I couldn’t get back up, as hard as I tried. With each hit I kept getting, I felt more and more helpless. I felt defeated with each punch, like when I was in the water. Even after the week, I still felt that mental soreness from repeatedly being knocked down. It was a tough one. It felt like it never let up.

Now, I don’t normally have weeks like this, but for some reason this week was tough. It affected me at the gym, as well. My heart is always in it, but I think my head didn’t get that message this week.

It’s a new week, though. Things will be much better!

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